Thursday 27 August 2015

History Of ECE

History of early childhood there are many theory and ideology. The person that we choose is history of early childhood by David Elkind. His theory is about the care instruction for young children outside the home. Because we as the parent sent our children to the kindergarten at 4 years old and we must know about what the preschool history and its good for our children.

At the kindergarten there have early childhood curriculum for children to be most holistic and least and different level of education based on their age. This also can make the children more independent while they are doing the activities at classroom that also can contribute with to the discipline of early childhood education came from occupation and profession outside academic domain.

Next is about the philosophical of early childhood education were provide by John Amos Comenius, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. For curriculum and methodology created by the likes of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Maria Montessori, Friedrich Froebel and Rudolf Steiner. Next on for created about science grounded by research and theories of Singmund Frued, Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson.

While the differences in the approaches of the early childhood education , there are there are overshadow of the one principle that early childhood curriculum and practice must be adapt to the mature need in the classroom abilities an interest of the child to learn the subject . This was the principle embodied of early childhood education in the kindergarten program develop by Friedrich Freobel (1782 - 1852) at the first early childhood program to be widely adapt at the in both Europe and aboard. The kindergarten movement was propelled by the industrial revolution to the introduction of woman into the labour force. Later Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952) early childhood programs at the same place that first childhood program started.

In America is where the head of the program started, launched in the year 1960 for low-income children, that came from the low-income family. The tittle gave the parents the impression that education was the race and the early you start for the children. Is important to the children because it can develop their improvement to what they learned at the kindergarten. With a rapid of expansion and accept of the early childhood program, it is the basic education of early childhood education. This early childhood started at US states with the small kindergarten and become bigger. That have academic and including maths subject and curriculum, program at that school has become more intergrated level follow their age level.

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